A summer intensive to progress an on-going piece of work or kick-start a project. Workshops in writer's craft and prompts to keep your ideas and imagination fresh.
A supportive environment for those working on a novel, memoir, collection of short stories or poetry. Those starting out with an idea are also welcome.
An opportunity to release your imagination whilst learning some creative writing tips and techniques. These sessions bring flexibility to thinking and writing, adding new methods and ways to your writer's toolbox, making you more versatile and helping you to write fresh passages and resolve issues in longer pieces of work. Craft texts with a sense of fun, throw rules to the wind, re-wild your writing and discover what blossoms with a little carefree abandon.
Sessions will also address the craft issues that arise from students' work reviewed during the course. There will be plenty of time to write, share your work and receive feedback. You will be joining an enthusiastic community of writers.